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lan na造句

  • Borommatrailokkanat, however, led armies to successfully defeat Lan Na.
  • After the 1600 debacle, Naresuan turned north to Lan Na.
  • Toungoo and Lan Na both declared independence from Pegu April 1597.
  • Lan Na suffered setbacks and Tilokaraj eventually sued for peace in 1475.
  • The Lan Na kingdom was strongest under Tilokkarat ( 1441 1487 ).
  • Lan Na suffered setbacks and Tilokkarat eventually sued for peace in 1475.
  • In 1571, the Ayutthaya Kingdom and Lan Na were Burmese vassals.
  • Lampang then served as the capital of what remained of Lan Na.
  • However, Lan Na was plunged by her own internal princely conflicts.
  • In 1474, Borommatrailokkanat finally expelled Lan Na out of Ayutthaya territories.
  • It's difficult to see lan na in a sentence. 用lan na造句挺难的
  • But international scholarship accepts that Lan Na again became a Burmese vassal.
  • Another expedition was launched from Lan Na in March 1586.
  • Lan Na's ruler, Thado Kyaw, desperately sought help.
  • But by April 1597, Toungoo and Lan Na had openly revolted.
  • Lan Na was ruled by successive vassal kings, though some enjoyed autonomy.
  • Chiang Mai succeeded Chiang Rai as the capital of the Lan Na kingdom.
  • In 1775, periphery vassals states of Lan Na and Manipur both revolted.
  • Lan Na was to be at peace for the rest of his reign.
  • Nokeo Koumane now proceeded to attack Lan Na, briefly taking over Nan.
  • Lan Na and Lan Xang were locked in conflict.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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